Deadlines in Software Development: A Double-Edged Sword
Explore the role of deadlines in software development, weighing their pros and cons, and comparing continuous deployment to deadline-driven approaches.
How important is company culture
Whether it’s realized or not, company culture is always one of the driving factors that either “makes” or “breaks” an employee’s experience with your organization.
There have been countless testimonials from employees worldwide stating that they would rather take a (sometimes substantial) pay cut and enjoy a great company culture than earn more at a company that doesn’t prioritize a good culture. This speaks volumes and is a strong indicator that all companies should focus on their culture this year.
This year especially, by emphasizing your company culture you could attract more talented candidates and ultimately, spend less on hiring and reduce turnover by creating a positive experience for existing employees.
Especially when employees may be limited on how/when they interact with one another, placing an emphasis on company culture when in-person events are extremely limited is paramount to your success.
Company culture helps define and embody the core culture of your organization. It is not explicitly stated, rather, experienced by members of your workplace in how they interact with one another. Company culture directly impacts the productivity, creativity, and overall profitability of your business.
In 2021 especially, focusing on company culture can help your organization engage with high quality employees that may be suffering due to new remote work requirements.
Zappos is famous for having a fantastic company culture that trickles down to their customers. By treating their co-workers and employees with the highest respect, this positive reinforcement is passed on to their customers, creating a positive environment for everyone that interacts with the company.
If one of your goals this year is to focus on improving your company culture, you probably already have a pretty good idea and action plan regarding exactly how to go about your mission.
No worries if you don’t, though! There are a few simple tactics you can implement right away to start fostering improved company culture this year.
It’s clear that company culture is important for employees across your organization to enjoy their time at work. This year, make it a priority to fix or improve your company culture, and your entire organization will thank you for it.
No one suffers when a company has a good culture - you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by implementing some of these tactics this year!
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