Merging the interests of both IT and business

software project, resource management

In a company, the business and IT sides are often at odds. The business side has needs that need to be met fast but also change all the time. The IT side has standards and procedures for getting things done, and wants to get them done right because they will be stuck with the upkeep and maintenance after they deliver the project. 

Sound familiar?

If you need someone’s specific expertise for your software project, you’re probably thinking of all of the issues that will come up with hiring them. Contracts, salaries, onboarding … and that’s if you can even find them in the first place! 

What’s more is, what happens to the dev after the project is over? Senior devs don’t like short-term contracts and need work that challenges them, so what if you don’t have anything to offer them? You can’t fire them because you’ve entered into a contract with them. 

The likeliest outcome then is that you’ll be forced to assign them to routine daily tasks, but senior devs don’t like that kind of thing and will ultimately get bored and resign. Not only will this negatively impact the dev, it will also damage your brand as the employer. 

So why not avoid all of that and help the business and IT sides of your company work together by partnering with NerdCloud?

NerdCloud is the perfect solution

NerdCloud offers a SaaS solution designed for businesses that need agility and flexibility to meet the changing resource needs of software development.

Our subscription is a solution that’s entirely elastic, flexible, and super simple. With us, you’re getting exactly the amount of software development resources that you need on a monthly basis, no matter how big or how small. Our developers can handle any programming language, architecture, and tech stack.

All it takes to get started with us is a technical meeting where your team lets us know what tasks you’d like us to do so that we can give you time estimates for their completion. In the meantime, we onboard our developers and get everything ready to begin work on your project. 

Global talent for every tech stack 

Here at NerdCloud, each and every one of our developers is highly skilled, experienced, and senior. We’re partnered with over 50 tech talent suppliers across the globe, so you never have to worry about whether or not we have what you need – we can assure you that we do. 

With our subscription model, you get:

  • Availability – our team of developers is massive, so we will always be able to help you with exactly what you need. Additionally, our developers work across different time zones, giving you an extended work day. 
  • Technology – we can provide for even the most specific tech needs. Our developer delivery rate is 98.7%. 
  • Scalability – you can scale your business up and down like never before because you never have to draw up new contracts or hire new employees. 
  • Flexibility – whatever changes there are in terms of skills that you need from project to project, you can access them with us.

If you don’t see the tech stack that you’d like to use on our front page, then definitely drop us a message as it’s likely that we’ll have it. 

A match made in heaven

Working with us is easy. You don’t have to worry about clashing work cultures or the hassles of trying to communicate with a separate entity. NerdCloud plugs right into your existing way of working, so you never need to worry about miscommunication, different work standard, or SOPs.  The only things you’ll notice about working with us are the fantastic results!

What’s more is you will be involved every step of the way because of our transparent processes. You’ll be able to see exactly what we’re doing so that you can stay up to date while never having to shoulder the work alone. 

Because you’re always able to see what we’re doing, you can even see for yourself how we control and maintain the highest code quality

NerdCloud is the right choice for you if you need a rare and specific tech skill for your project, and want to help the business and IT sides of your company work in harmony.  Get in touch with us today!

For more on why outsourcing to NerdCloud is such a great idea, click here. For how to get ready to outsource, click here. For any FAQs, please find answers here


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