Telecommuting or remote work is the future of work.

Telecommuting or remote work is the future of work

Telecommuting or remote work is the future of work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, work-from-home has increased by 44%. Telecommuting is now being praised by tech giants, brokerage houses, and businesses in nearly every industry. But for people who are new to the idea of remote work, making the transition can be challenging on both the personal and the productivity fronts.

Today’s piece will cover the top five blogs about telecommuting. From what is telecommuting to the advantages of telecommuting, these blogs will include everything you need to know about remote work.

All Abroad Blog By Raimee Lacofano

All Abroad blog was created by Raimee Lacofano. Targeted towards all the people who are looking forward to breaking free of the nine to five, Raimee’s blog will help you to work from anywhere.

Raimee’s blog revolves around traveling, remote work, and everything in between. You’ll find it all in Raimee’s blog, from the best co-working places to new remote work opportunities.

The All Abroad blog aims to encourage you to explore the world and work from anywhere according to your skillset. For those who want to go full digital nomad, Raimee’s blog is a great place to start.

Stephan Dohrn

Stephan Dohrn is an entrepreneur, coach, facilitator, and above all, a remote work expert. Stephan is the co-founder of Radical Inclusion, where he helps remote teams to get to the next level.

Stephan supports both entrepreneurs and individuals who work from home to develop themselves and their teams. Being a kingpin in the remote-work support industry, Stephan Dohrn runs a fantastic blog on Medium.

There, Stephan shares highly detailed blogs about remote work. From telecommuting pros and cons to how you can create a remarkable life with remote work, you’ll find it all at Stephan Dohrn’s Medium blog.

Laurel Farrer

Founder of Distribute Consulting and the Remote Work Association, Laurel Farrer is the ultimate thought leader on the topic of telecommuting. Laurel helps virtual workforces and remote teams solve their corporate and socioeconomic issues. Laurel has collaborated with the US government, independent businesses, and corporate giants all harness remote work’s true potential.

Laurel Farrer has a special content section on her official website where she has brought together all the publications that have featured her work on hot topics related to telecommuting and remote work. From what is telecommuting to advantages of telecommuting, you’ll find everything you need to know there.

Trina Hoefling

With over thirty years of experience in strategically developing people and facilitating teams, Trina Hoefling is an ocean of knowledge. What makes her stand out as a remote-work expert is that she is the author of the U.S. best-selling book, Working Virtually - Transforming the Mobile Workplace.

At Trina’s SmartWorkplace blog, you’ll find everything about remote work, management, and more. She personally writes all of her pieces so you can get to read her unique perspective built from three decades of work.

Trina Hoefling’s articles are detailed, well-structured, and knowledgeable. So if you want to learn about the ins and outs of what is telecommuting, Trina Hoefling’s blog has got your back.

Lisette Sutherland

Lisette Sutherland, director of Collaboration Superpowers, is an absolute idol you need to follow if you’re dipping your toes into telecommuting. In her director role with Collaboration Superpowers, Lisette helps companies and teams successfully work together from anywhere.

95% of the resources at Lisette Sutherland’s Collaboration Superpowers are free and available to everyone. Apart from that, Lisette also hosts a weekly podcast where she invites remote working experts to share their experiences.

Whether you are new to telecommuting or looking to shape up your team for remote work, these five blogs will help you learn it all.        

Samuli Argillander

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