Top 5 Digital Nomads to Follow

Digital Nomads to Follow

People work tirelessly to secure their financial future, but some have been able to break from convention and embrace the digital nomad lifestyle. Some of these individuals become influencers and start a digital nomad blog to teach others what to expect if they decide to become a digital nomad. They could provide valuable information about the digital nomad lifestyle that can help you learn more about how to work remotely and travel at the same time.

The digital nomad lifestyle is more popular than ever, especially given the fact that there’s a massive increase in remote work. There are plenty of digital nomads to follow, whether they have many Instagram followers, make YouTube content, or started a digital nomad blog. Here are the top 5 digital nomads to follow.

Chris Brogan

When you are thinking about a great digital nomad blog, you probably want to start with someone who has a lot of experience. Chris Brogan has been blogging for over 20 years since he started in 1998!

Brogan travels constantly, and he fully understands and embraces the digital nomad lifestyle. Brogan does more than just write a digital nomad blog - he is also an author, marketer, and business advisor. He is the president of Chris Brogan Media and is a New York Times best-selling author.

Do It All Abroad

Do It All Abroad is a digital nomad blog created by Raimee, who offers advice and resources for those who are living the digital nomad lifestyle. We mentioned this digital nomad in our last blog, so let’s dig a little deeper.

If you are hoping for a digital nomad blog that is informative, then Do It All Abroad is one you should check out as soon as possible. She is constantly writing about things to do in different cities and the best locations for those who embrace the digital nomad lifestyle. If you are interested in learning about the advantages of telecommuting while also learning about incredible cities - Do It All Abroad is a great digital nomad blog to explore!

Mike Elgan

Some people just have a talent for writing about technology. Mike Elgan is one of those individuals, and he has now created a digital nomad blog. He’s written for some of the most famous technology publications in the world. His digital nomad blog is a great resource for anyone who wants to understand the digital nomad lifestyle.

Elgan writes about more than just the digital nomad lifestyle, too - you might find him musing about music, technology, and health. Elgan also has a podcast and newsletter for those who want information on the digital nomad lifestyle delivered right to their inbox.

Christine Gilbert

Some people work very hard at a job through their 20s, only to find that it isn’t for them. They might feel like it’s time to start thinking about their lives differently and travel the world before it’s too late!

For these people, the advantages of telecommuting are simple: it allows them a flexible digital nomad lifestyle that allows them to travel and earn at the same time! Christine Gilbert decided to embrace that life and started a successful digital nomad blog called Almost Fearless.

One of the coolest things about this digital nomad blog is that it also offers some great general advice, whether you’re a college student trying to figure your life out or a yoga novice that could use some help. Almost Fearless even has sections for parenting tips, wellness articles, and life hacks.

Chris Guillebeau

One of the coolest things about this digital nomad blog is that Chris has traveled to every country in the world! Few people can truly embrace the digital nomad lifestyle to this extent, and it’s a journey that you will want to follow. Guillebeau has also written several books about the digital nomad lifestyle.

His blog is called The Art Of Nonconformity, since he is not the kind of person that cares about what is “normal” or not. For those who are serious about genuinely embracing their passions, this is a beautiful blog to check out. He also writes about topics like mental health and financial advice in his digital nomad blog. Guillebeau organizes the World Domination Summit in Portland every year. He even wrote a blog where he spoke about writing tips recently, as well.


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